Hey, Irish!

We need YOUR help! (AND you can win some great items in the process!) We launched the Catholic Central Irish Day of Giving campaign on April 13, with the first-ever Irish Day of Giving to take place May 4! Help us match a generous $100,000 gift and secure $200,000 for your Catholic Central community!

Help us continue to transform student lives – whether through Facilities Improvements, Tuition Assistance, Teacher Support, or wherever your gift is needed most (Unrestricted). PLUS, the Irish Day of Giving includes an online auction like the one you know & love from our annual Emerald Evening! ANY gift or auction purchase that you make between today and May 4 counts toward our $100,000 match challenge!!

HOW TO GIVE: You can make a gift or bid on an auction item at Irish2021.givesmart.com or text Irish2021 to 76278. If you would rather mail your gift, please email kculp@ccirish.org for a gift form that you can print and return!



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