Reaching Your Full Learning Potential

Catholic Central High School emphasizes intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical, and social values in our students. Self-discipline, responsibility, and self-motivation are benefits of this environment.
We offer a strong, diverse college “preparatory” curriculum that prepares students for independence, as well as for continuing their education after graduation. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are available, as well as in-house College Credit Plus Courses (CCP). Catholic Central prides itself on serving its students through a curriculum of rigor, while also working to provide students with the individualized support they need in order to be successful. Catholic Central is blessed to have a wonderfully diverse body of learners and works to meet their needs on an individual basis.
AP & CCP Courses
Admission to Advanced Placement courses is a selective process. Students enrolled in AP courses will take the AP exam. Central offers AP in English, Science, Math, and Spanish. Students can also take self-paced AP courses during the year and summer with the assistance of a teacher who is assigned to the course.The following Advanced Placement (AP) courses are available:
- AP Chemistry
- AP Computer Science
- AP English Literature and Composition
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Government
- AP American History
- AP Psychology/Sociology (if student interest warrants)
- AP Spanish IV
- AP Self-Paced
High school students may enroll in courses at local colleges/universities for dual high school and college credit. Admission is restricted by the requirements of the individual colleges. CCP is offered through Sinclair Community College, Clark State Community College, and the University of Cincinnati. The following College Credit Plus (CCP) courses are available:
- CCP University of Cincinnati Engineering & various online classes
- CCP Clark State English 111, 112, 1600, 2300
- CCP Clark State Math Pre-Calculus (MT 1340)
- CCP Clark State Math Calculus (MT 2200)
- CCP Clark State Community College has various online classes
- CCP Sinclair Community College Architecture & various online classes
Theology Curriculum
Central to our identity as a Catholic institution is a rich Theology curriculum. Our Theology curriculum provides students with an excellent spiritual foundation in our Catholic tradition, as well as works to equip students to deal with the moral issues of today’s world. Among other subjects, students will grow in their understanding of moral decision-making. These classes encourage faith in action. What students learn is applied to everyday life through projects and activities that encourage service and social justice.
Enrichment Term
E-Term occurs for one month during the school year and offers students two three-hour class periods. Each Enrichment Term course earns 0.5 Carnegie Unit credits (except PE, which earns 0.25 credits). Students can fulfill requirements for fine arts, PE, and other elective courses during Enrichment Term. Upperclassmen have the opportunity to complete internships with professionals in Clark County related to prospective job fields of interest. The structured, professional internship offered during Enrichment Term allows students to gain an understanding of the demands and daily routine of a career they may be considering. Catholic Central is the only school in this area to offer Enrichment Term and career internships. Recent internships have included:
- Ohio Valley Medical Center
- Northside Veterinary Clinic
- Littleton & Rue Funeral Home
- Physicians and Surgeons for Women
- Clark County Courts
- Springfield Police Department (investigators)
- Stuckey Law Firm
- Springfield City Manager’s Office
CTC Partnership
Students at Catholic Central may also attend CTC. They must return to CC to complete their theology coursework.