Make a Secure Gift
Annual Fund
Catholic Central’s mission and core values have been tested and gain strength with each passing year. We are excited to be nearing our 100th year of doing God’s work, as our students continue to grow and thrive in knowledge, faith, and character.

We continue to be blessed by the generous support of so many alumni and friends! Your gifts make the “margin of excellence” possible that cannot be reached through tuition dollars alone. These gifts also enable families who could otherwise not afford it to receive the Catholic education they desire for their students.
Making a gift is a personal decision, and we appreciate your trust and your faith in the mission and values of Catholic Central. We ask you to prayerfully consider a gift to the Annual Fund. If you would like to make your gift in honor of a special teacher, staff member or coach, we will notify the honoree of your thoughtfulness.
Make a Secure Gift Catholic Central School is a 501(3)c status nonprofit institution. Financial gifts to Catholic Central are typically tax-deductible. We know that when you choose to give to Catholic Central, you want your gift to make a lifelong impact on the young people in our classrooms. As you look through our website, you will see the results of your investment.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration, and, as always, we ask that you continue to pray for our students throughout the year. God bless you and Go Irish!
Planned Giving – How will you leave a legacy?
Leave Catholic Central a legacy with planned gifts that are designed to enhance a donor’s financial and estate plans and, at the same time, to support the long-term financial stability of an institution through an endowment.
Please visit our Planned Giving website here to learn more about your options on what & how to give, join our Irish Legacy Society, and to request a confidential, no-obligation conversation to get started.