Campus Ministry Retreats:

Disconnecting from daily routines and spending time away with classmates provides students an opportunity to reconnect with God. For this reason, Catholic Central students are required to participate in their annual campus ministry class retreat in grades 8-12. Each campus ministry retreat has a different format and theme, listed below:
Eighth Grade – An overnight retreat about why Christian unity and Christ-filled relationships are important.
Freshman Retreat – A single-day retreat focusing on the passion of Jesus Christ and the Lenten season.
Sophomore Retreat – A single-day retreat helping students discover how nature can teach us about who God is and how to find him.
Junior Retreat – An overnight retreat at The Retreat House Spiritual Center of Maria Stein & Montezuma that is focused on how to pursue more of a moral life.
Kairos – Seniors participate in this three-and-a-half-day campus ministry retreat experience aimed at helping students reconnect with themselves, with others, and with God. Students learn how to embrace Jesus in their suffering.
*All retreats are organized by the 6-12 Campus Minister, Mr. Moreno.
Peer Ministry & Prayer:
Our campus ministry program is unique in this region as we offer our program to every student in Pre-K through 12th grade, not just the high school grades.

Students interested in leadership in campus ministry can participate in liturgical ministry, including serving as lectors and altar servers at Mass.
Mass – The high school celebrates Mass at least once a month, either an all-school Mass for holy days or class Masses.
Morning Prayer – Every morning, the entire high school gathers for prayer led by a student leader or faculty member. Prayer can be personal faith stories, religious anecdotes, or reflections on church teaching.
Various All-School Activities – In order to engage students in their faith, the life of the church, and the liturgical year, the Campus Ministers and student leaders invite students to participate in ongoing activities including the saint search and Advent hallway decorating contest.
Decade Club:
All students in grades K-12 are invited to participate in Decade Club every morning beginning at 7:50 a.m. in the Chapel. During this time, students will pray the Decades of the Rosary.
Pastoral Care:
In addition to official programming, Campus Ministry serves the faculty, staff, and students at Catholic Central through prayer and pastoral care. Our Campus Ministers are available to talk with parents, staff, and students in times of crisis or stress, as well as pray with and for members of the community.