Catholic Central is so proud of our almost 100 years of incredible alumni! Our school would not continue to be the thriving place it is today without each and every one of you. We encourage you to take advantage of this website to reconnect with your past and to help build the future through valuable relationships with past classmates, faculty, and staff of Catholic Central.
How Can Alumni Help Catholic Central?

- Attend alumni events like 1 Irish Weekend & class reunions!
- Send us updates about your contact information, job, marriage, children, etc.
- Support Catholic Central by giving of your time, talent, and treasures.
- Attend Emerald Evening!
Class Reunions
Please email Kelsey Shumaker at when you are planning your reunion.
We can help by providing updated class lists and address labels, setting up tours, providing hotel and catering information, and making sure that your reunion is posted on this website.
We are proud to welcome our alumni back to Catholic Central!
Planned Giving – How will you leave a legacy?
Leave Catholic Central a legacy with planned gifts that are designed to enhance a donor’s financial and estate plans and, at the same time, to support the long-term financial stability of an institution through an endowment.
Please visit our Planned Giving website here to learn more about your options on what & how to give, join our Irish Legacy Society, and to request a confidential, no-obligation conversation to get started.
Please enjoy our 2023-2024 Annual Report!
Click here to read the PDF version.
Alumni News

2023-2024 Catholic Central Annual Report
Please enjoy our 2023-2024 Annual Report!

Class of 1979 45th Reunion Weekend – All Alumni Welcome!
ATTENTION all Catholic Central School Alumni! As part of their 45th Reunion Weekend, the Class of 1979 invites you to a gathering of all Irish and Tornadoes at the high…

Dear Irish, I am filled with immense gratitude and joy as I write this message to thank you for your incredible support in helping us reach our Irish Day of…

Irish Day of Giving – WE DID IT!
SLEEP WELL, Irish and Tornadoes! Although we aren’t finished counting just yet, we are extremely confident that because of your generosity and support, we met the $100,000 match challenge!!! Over…

Irish Day of Giving Evening Update
EVENING UPDATE: C’mon, Irish, let’s finish strong!! We are at $87,212!! We can do this!!! #IrishDayofGiving

Irish Day of Giving Afternoon Update
This afternoon update is brought to you by the Class of 2024!! Our current Irish Day of Giving total is $74,299!!! WOW! Let’s keep it going! #IrishDayofGiving