Beyond The Classroom – Grades K-12

Students at Catholic Central School are exposed to many diverse opportunities. Strong athletic programs have been part of the tradition of Catholic Central for generations of Tornados and Fighting Irish. Outside of athletic opportunities, students are exposed to student service ministry, peer ministry, music, and leadership opportunities. Students enrolling at Catholic Central are expected to be involved in activities beyond the classroom.
Catholic Central High School – We Encourage Participation
Catholic Central High School encourages ALL students to become involved in extracurricular activities. Student Life is about activities and opportunities for growth and achievement. Just as important as good grades, colleges look to see continued involvement in activities over four years and what leadership positions students have held in those activities. Freshman year is the time to look for activities that correlate with personal and possible career interests and to try them out before deciding on several that you will stay a part of for the remainder of your high school career.
Catholic Central Clubs & Activities
It is also important to become familiar with the requirements for academic honor societies and student government so that these options stay open to you should you want to pursue them. Parents should encourage participation in our Student Life extracurricular activities as one of the best ways for students to become successful in high school.
Contact members of the Catholic Central Faculty & Staff Directory by email or by calling the school office to learn more about our Student Life programs. Parents are the primary teachers of young people. We appreciate your trust in the Springfield, Ohio Catholic Central School in educating your youth. How may we help?